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Kierunek: Environmental Management

Opis kierunku

The study programme covers the challenges, problems, and anthropogenic threats to the natural environment, as well as provides knowledge about modern environmental protection solutions for organisations of various types (business, public sector, social) and of different level of complexity. It also offers tools to develop the ability to organise activities focused on environmental aspects and the use of modern environmental management instruments.

This M.A. programme in Environmental Management is a response to contemporary civilisational challenges, including the need to change production and consumption patterns as well as models and forms of management in business and public organisations in accordance with the paradigm of sustainable development. These challenges imply changes in the labour markets, where specialists with professional and interdisciplinary knowledge in the field of environmental protection and environmental management are increasingly sought after.


3 600 PLN za rok



e-mail: rekrutacja.wz@uni.lodz.pl
tel. 42 635 50 51